Don't panic

I did a little more research on the upcoming Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie. Apparently, they have started shooting last month, things are going well so far, and the movie is scheduled to be released mid-2005. The cast looks interesting as well. Martin Freeman, who is known from his role as Tim in The Office, plays the part of Arthur Dent, which I think is a brilliant casting. Sam Rockwell as Zaphod should be good as well....

May 29, 2004 · 1 min · 182 words · DigitalHobbit

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Movie

When Douglas Adams was still alive, he made several attempts to turn the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series into a movie, and he had a hard time doing this. Mostly, this is because the series just doesn’t resemble the structure that movies require, such as a distinguished beginning, middle, and end. Therefore, any such attempt would probably require fairly significant changes to the story. While I obviously trusted Douglas to get this right, I was initially very concerned when I heard that they were going to proceed with the movie after his passing away....

May 29, 2004 · 2 min · 279 words · DigitalHobbit