Debugging via Google

I just had a funny debugging experience. I had added a new Ant target with a Java task, but when I tried to execute it Ant complained with the following error message: The <java> type doesn’t support the “classame” attribute As I didn’t see anything obvious, I did what I often do in those cases: I copied and pasted the error message into Google. This time there were no search results, but Google responded with a helpful message nonetheless:...

January 19, 2005 · 1 min · 123 words · DigitalHobbit

Axis / Web Services

I finally got an opportunity to work with web services. I had of course read about these in the past and in fact implemented web service like applications prior to the emergence of SOAP, but I had never really had a chance to actually work with web services on a project. On my current project, I am using Apache Axis to expose some of our functionality to third parties, a prime example of what web serices are good for....

January 13, 2005 · 3 min · 491 words · DigitalHobbit

Gentoo and Java

Just a few comments on Gentoo and Java. Of course, Gentoo includes many Java packages. For the most part, installing a Java application works the same way as installing a native application, using the “emerge” tool. The source code for the application is downloaded, compiled using the appropriate settings, and installed, along with any dependent packages. For example, installing the Eclipse IDE and the Tomcat application server, both of which depend on many other Java packages, was a snap (well, maybe not exactly a snap due to the lengthy compilation cycle, but easy nevertheless)....

December 30, 2004 · 1 min · 186 words · DigitalHobbit


I had previously mentioned JDocs on my blog. JSourcery provides a similar service. The site currently comprises the Javadocs for several common APIs (such as the Apache Commons APIs), as well as the actual J2SE Javadocs (although I suspect it is only a matter of time before SUN will force JSourcery to take these down, just like JDocs did). The unique thing about JSourcery is that it also provides access to the hyperlinked, highlighted source code....

December 30, 2004 · 1 min · 123 words · DigitalHobbit


I recently came across XWiki, a relatively new, Java-based Wiki. For anybody looking to deploy a new Wiki, this looks like a great option. It has an extensive feature list and seems to combine the best features of other Wiki engines as well as add a few unique Features of its own, for example scripting using Groovy or Velocity, PDF export, and others. It has a plugin API and supports RSS....

December 27, 2004 · 1 min · 81 words · DigitalHobbit