JustBlogIt Firefox Extension

JustBlogIt is a nice little Firefox extension (also works with Mozilla) that adds a right-click menu entry to easily add a blog entry for the current page. The unique thing about it is that it also supports many web based news aggregators, such as Bloglines. You simply have to right-click on the entry you wish to blog about, and JustBlogIt will automatically insert the correct title and link in the blog form....

October 15, 2004 · 1 min · 77 words · DigitalHobbit

Weblog submission sites

Here is a very nice collection of weblog and RSS submission sites.

July 30, 2004 · 1 min · 12 words · DigitalHobbit

All Consuming

Out of curiosity I just did a Google search for “digitalhobbit” to find any references to my site (not that I really expected any…). One of the links that was returned among the top search results was this one. It points to a site called All Consuming, which apparently monitors blogs for Amazon book links and uses this information to generate a page of the most discussed books, along with links to Amazon, to blogs discussing the books, etc....

July 27, 2004 · 1 min · 167 words · DigitalHobbit

WordPress Wiki

Mark just published a Wiki plugin for WordPress on his Weblog Tools Collection. This is great news, and I can’t wait to install it on my blog. I am a big fan of Wiki servers as collaboration tools and for simple knowledge management tasks, and even though the collaboration aspect would not really apply in case of my own Wiki as I would probably be the only one posting to it, it should be a convenient mechanism for me to publish non-blog content....

July 7, 2004 · 1 min · 85 words · DigitalHobbit

RSS Readers

I came across a very nice page on RSS Readers. This looks like a very complete listing of RSS Readers, including client-side applications for various operating systems as well as web-based aggregators. Before I got into blogging (writing but even more importantly reading blogs), I never quite understood the big deal about RSS. Sure, there were some decent news sites out there (both commercial and fee-based as well as free) that offered RSS feeds, but it appeared to be over-hyped....

June 6, 2004 · 1 min · 143 words · DigitalHobbit