Last Wednesday we almost lost the preschool that our two daughters go to. The preschool was subletting from a private elementary school that apparently wasn’t doing all that great. Now it turned out that the director of the elementary school hadn’t been paying rent for 16 months, so they were evicted on Wednesday - and along with them the preschool, even though they had been paying their rent to the elementary school every month. My wife and several other parents spent the morning removing all the preschool’s belongings from the property and were about to send everything into storage for the time being. Luckily, after several hours of intense discussion between the very engaged preschool director and the landlord, with some support from engaged parents who are lawyers, they were able to reach an agreement that permits the preschool to remain as a tenant.
I’m truly shocked how an elementary school director can be this irresponsible, without any regard for the pupils or their parents. Based on what I’ve heard, the director was a con artist who embezzled money (such as the rent that the preschool payed to him) and was well aware that the school was going to be closed down.
Of course I’m glad everything worked out for us, as well as for the preschool. The director and teachers are great, my kids love going there, and it would have been a shame to see all of this destroyed by a greedy, irresponsible con artist…